- The house stand on a terrace of red stone. 那房子坐落。
- Upstairs are all studios and a terrace. 楼上都是电影和一个阳台。
- The French doors give onto a terrace. 法国人的门对着一块阶地。
- A terrace deep soil for Woxian best farmland. 一级阶地土层深厚,为我县最好农田。
- They stood for a while on a terrace by the side of the hospital. 他们在济贫院旁边的一块坪地上站了一阵子。
- A terrace formed by wave action along the backshore of a beach. 沿海阶地由于波浪作用沿海滩形成的阶地
- In addition you have a Terrace overlooking the pool. 此外,您有一个阳台可俯瞰游泳池。
- JEFF: A bedroom, a kitchen, and a living room with a terrace? 杰夫:一个卧室,一个厨房,还有一个带阳台的起居室。
- A bedroom,a kitchen,and a living room with a terrace? 一个卧室,一个厨房,还有一个带阳台的起居室。
- A residence, often with a terrace, on the top floor or floors of a building. 高级住房:常在建筑物顶层或最高几层的带有阳台的住宅。
- The monastery was square-roofed, austere, with barrack windows. There were fish tanks at the back and a terrace on which the monks would have walked. 那座庙是方顶、窗,十分简朴。庙后面有一些鱼缸,还有一个平台,和尚可以在上面随意走动。
- The Foster Wheeler reforming furnace is a terrace wall type featuring true radiant-wall design. 福斯特·惠勒转化炉是一个阶墙炉,是真正的辐射墙设计。
- Number 16, built in 1763, is at the centre of a terrace of houses on Moore Street where the GPO rebels fled to on April 28th. 毛街16号建于1763年,是毛街上一排房子中间的一间,4月28日邮政起义军逃到了这里。
- A diamond happened to fall from the ring of a young lady as she was walking one evening on a terrace in the garden. 一天晚上,一个年轻女子在花园的平台上散步时,戒指上的钻石不小心摔了下来。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- There were fish tanks at the back and a terrace on which the monks would have walked. 庙后面有一些鱼缸,还有一个平台,和尚可以在上面随意走动。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。
- Extensive glazing on the eastern side opens out onto a terrace and provides users with a view of the city skyline. 东面巨大的玻璃幕墙对着平台开敞,同时给使用者提供了一个欣赏悉尼天际线的绝好风景。